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Acquisition TIP #4

By January 12, 2022September 27th, 2023Knowledge Base

Right of Way Acquisition TIP #4: Land Research and Title

The Nov/Dec edition of the Right of Way magazine (pg. 22) features an intriguing article authored by Rob Scimeme. He details the initial land research and title work needed for utility projects. Suffice it to say that his words of wisdom don’t only apply to linear projects; there are critical points to be highlighted for any project that is determining right of way acquisition requirements. 

Conduct a project walk down for the initial route and involve team members from engineering and survey firms, construction groups, and stakeholders. During the walk down, gather pertinent data, assess field conditions, and determine needs for property rights.

Create a line list of the affected properties and research public land records; capture boundary lines, identify potential environmental effects, utility easements, crossings, and historical land records. Take into account considerations for conflicts and develop alternative approaches.

Ascertain current ownership types and land use. Ensure the proper party is engaged to acquire the needed rights, help identify unique property characteristics, estimate acquisition timing, and provide feedback to determine an appropriate design and acquisition approach. 

Upon completing these initial steps, it’s time for extensive title research. Use a reputable company familiar with your project type and has access to a title plant. They will conduct the examination and issue a report containing the search results, including the legal ownership and the property’s legal description. It also reveals clouds on the title, such as restrictions and encumbrances, that potentially impact the title’s transfer. 

Conducting these practices is imperative to expose existing issues early on and help avoid costly surprises. 

Contact the experts at Meridian Engineering and allow us to help you deploy your strategic initiative.

-authored by,

Tammy Evans, MRP, SR/WA
Acquisition Manager

Meridian Engineering